The Japanese Society of Child Neurology

JSCN statement regarding the situation in Ukraine

Dear friends and Colleagues, / JSCN statement regarding the situation in Ukraine

       The Japanese Society of Child Neurology is a global organization that conducts activities through research and medical care.

It is deeply distressing that the destruction and violence is perpetrated against Ukraine. We express grave concern over the current conflict, and wish the safety and health of our colleagues of Ukraine along with the children and families they care for.

Patients with neurological diseases and their families need multi-dimensional supports.

Not only the destruction and violence created by the military invasion, but also the disruption of medical treatment and medical supplies directly affects the lives of these patients and families. We find this inhumane situation unacceptable and call for an immediate ceasefire.

We will continue to discuss how we can support providing appropriate medical care to the people of Ukraine. The situation is not an event in a distant country, and our thoughts are with the patients, children, and families of Ukraine.

April 2022
The Japanese Society of Child Neurology



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